Our friends Kraig and Ami are going through an experience with God where He is showing them the interconnectivity of everything in the Universe. It never ceases to amaze me how God can be so involved in someone's life and keep the rest of the universe in order. It boggles my mind to think of how detailed God can be in his interaction with us. There are times when He comes so close that the only proper response is a healthy respect for his power and love. Like when a check comes in the mail for the exact amount you needed for that certain thing you need to do. Like when you're talking to someone and they say something to you that makes so much sense in your life, only God could have whispered it to you.
Not related (well, maybe) twice this week I've had a strange experience. You know that VW commercial when the guy is driving down the alley/road and has the stereo going and everyone around him is doing something to the exact beat of the song he's hearing? That has happened twice in the last week, both times while listening to CD's. The first was an ambient CD and the car in front of me had it's blinker on. Now sometimes the blinker coordinates for a few beats and then shifts to the opposite beat. But, the cool thing about this one was that it lasted the duration of the light, for approximately a full minute. The second happened yesterday listening to the new EWC. I'm sitting at the light, rockin' out and I look over at the guy next to me. He's tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the same BPM as my song. I freak and look away. I look back and he's still doing it. Again, it lasted the whole duration of the light. Whoa.
Enough of the wierd stuff.
We should get our Visas this week. We're still needing a jacket and boots for Kelly. Her dad invited us to dinner Sunday night and said they wanted to give us something. They ended up writing us a check for $500. From that we got the opportunity to share with them the process of God's provision for the trip and to explain that they were vicariously taking part in God's work (they are not professing Christians). It was a great time to witness to the care and closeness of our Heavenly Father.
Sunday night is our first home gathering at Mars. Please pray for us.
Sunday's baptisms were great. I cried like a little girl when I started to share Jesus' idea of the gospel in the story of the run-away wasted son. I love God's grace. It is awesome to watch Him work into us what we cannot work into ourselves.
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