January 28, 2004

Missional or Ministerial?

I was just over at Justin Baeder's blog and enjoying his ideas on the Contemplative Gathering.

One thought I have been struggling with is the degree to which we should expect those outside of the Community of Faith to understand the things we do as Believers. Should we tailor our meeting times to make outsiders comfortable or should they be designed for those who already have some understanding of Christ and the worship of Him?

I am seeing a distinction that needs to be expressed between what we can call Missional meetings and Ministerial meetings. There are those times when we gather that could be relevant to someone who is not a Believer. Having friends over for dinner, watching a movie, going to play Disc Golf, concerts, pub time. But, asking someone who does not yet know Christ to come to a meeting where the thrust of the meeting is the encouragement of the Believers and the ministry of the Holy Spirit might not be the most "relevant" thing to do.

One mentality that we may need to rethink is the idea of getting the "lost" to "church" to get them "saved." I know this has been addressed elsewhere, but I see it as a valid concern. Is it out of seeing what takes place in the Gathering that will lead them to Christ or is it the testimony of our love for one another in the rest of our lives that will win them? (I know I opened a can of worms with that one...) It just seems that Paul held the presupposition that the Gatherings were meant for the Family and to have a non-beilever attend would be the exception, not the norm. (1Cor 14.22-25 tends to lean in the direction of an "if" situation, not a "when" situation.)

Things that make you go "Hmmmm."


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