December 19, 2003

Imbibing and Creational Joy

i live in the buckle of the Bible belt.
what place does the joy of imbibing (partaking of adult beverages) have in my sphere? the arguments go like this:
1- if it causes a brother to stumble, don't do it.
2- if it glorifies God, run with it.
i'm seeing that the church is in a place of total recall. we're recalling everything we thought we knew about how things needed to be, how things should be run, if they should be "run" at all.
most of the family in the states do not deal with the question of believers imbibing. however, the general idea of the church in the south is that drinking is not a socially acceptable thing to do. i have a big problem with that logic. there comes a time when old ideas and paradigms must be laid to rest and i think this is an argument that has had its time. for a good example why, you can simply go to any restaurant in a "wet" county and see find the socially accepted norm has nothing to do with abstaining. and about the relevance of the believer, what good is it to abstain from something that the scripture commands us to partake in joyfully, with thanks and for the glory of God? should not we be the ones redeeming God's purpose in giving man the wisdom to create such beverages? some have taken this wisdom and allowed themselves to become addicted and with time forgotten the One who gave them the idea to partake in the first place.

could it be time for the south to reevaluate her view of God's creation?

for further reading, see Kenneth Gentry's "God Gave Wine." great read.


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