December 27, 2003

Building Buildings and Other Tragic Tales

she's gone twice.
both times she is inundated with requests for cash.
they hold up signs reminding her of their "need."
they open the service with requests for cash.
they sings songs about cash (and it ain't johnny.)
a guy talks about the building. not the one they have, but the half billion dollar one they need the cash for.
they sing a song and remind her to give cash.
she leaves with questions.
she passes the "coffee ministry" table with its offering box.
this same table functioned while single mothers were turned away last week b/c the church "could not afford" to help her buy groceries.
dang, that sucks.

"Lord, it is so great to be in heaven. How did you like the buildings we built for you?"
"Whatever you built for the least of these, you built it for yourself."

Where are our priorities?

Sorry, I don't mean to sound so cynical. But there's a problem when we are so self absorbed in our buildings that we leave the kingdom of God behind.

We are in transistion at Mars. Shedding the old skin of "building life" possibly for a less expensive skin of "home life." It will be interesting to see how this affects us. My hope is that we understand it for what it is and learn the right lessons.

Oh, they also gave the people the "opportunity" to hand over land deeds, car titles, and the like and the staff could "take care of those" for them.
here's to the coffee ministry!


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